Start in the heart


Do you want to love and care for your child – not just in a practical sense but more in a heart sense?


 The relationship is all, It is a matter of life for the baby

- Emmi Pikler


Why the fuss about the fuzzies?


Bonding it is

When baby is born, their imperative need is to bond with their mother.  Having left the womb, they rely on the closeness of their parent for their sense of familiarity and security.

Not just ‘fuzzies’

This relationship is not just for giving baby ‘warm fuzzies’ because it seems a nice thing to do, but it actually affects a baby’s brain development!  Only 15% of a baby’s brain is wired up at birth, 85% is still to be wired up.

The relationship is all

Much of that wiring is done through their interaction with people.  From the way a baby is responded to, talked to and handled, they develop their basic attitude to the world, including their own self image. This relationship is all that matters, it’s a matter of life to the baby.


How can I create this partnership?


By tuning in to your child and connecting. We are living in an extremely busy world. It’s not easy to say no to slowing down our pace. Connecting is sharing a moment, not sharing a space! Investing in the relationship is worth gold. And it starts at the changing table. Taking a step back may well be the right way forward. The ordinary can be amazing and you fill the heart of your child by being present. There are many ways this is done. Let us show you how!

Invest in the RELATIONSHIP,
it’s what matters most

— The Heart School

What does it take?


A willingness to invest in the heart-bank of your child! That’s right, the heart-bank. Deposit memories, not to be missed magical childhood moments in your child’s heart-bank and you set them up for life! Your child has only ONE childhood. Make it magical, loving, and kind. Find out about the real JOYS of parenthood and learn how to inhale a breath of love and kindness for your child and exhale all the stress!

Start in the heart, it knows the way

Don’t believe us just for our words. Come and visit us. We are there to show you the why, how and what of creating a beautiful partnership with your little one.

Enquiry form

Fill a form and find out for yourself what Aroha Nui Montessori classes are on offer and what we can do for you and your family. Tender hand for little hearts is about loving from the heart and caring from the hands. We are looking forward to welcoming you to Aroha Nui Montessori and Beyond.

Ngā mihi mahana

Carli and Nadya